Quality and environment

Luengo Color® is a company dedicated to the design, production, transformation and commercialization of pigment dispersions, dyes in suspension and commercialization of pigments, for industrial and agricultural use.

Luengo Color® is aimed at suppliers of complete systems for the industry, pigment and dye processor, generally used in paper, textiles, fertilizers, tanning, wood treatments, aqueous inks, detergents and especially paints, both water and solvent for tinting and industrial systems.

Our policy is based on offering the market a quality product that meets the needs of our customers. For this, the LUENGO COLOR Management knows that it is essential to have a highly qualified and professionally efficient human team, so we invest in continuous training, in being respectful of the environment and in the safety and health of workers.

Luengo Color® has defined and implemented the Integrated Quality Management System UNE-EN ISO 9001: 2015 and Environment UNE-EN ISO 14001: 2015 based on the integration of your organization’s processes, the full satisfaction of needs of its clients, of the safety and health of its workers, of respect and protection for the environment and of the prevention of contamination.

That is why we determine the following priorities:

  • Full satisfaction of customer needs.
  • Compliance with the requirements of the Client and the current legislation on quality and the environment and other applicable laws, making it
  • known to all personnel at the service of the company.
  • The training and competence of workers.
  • The participation of all staff and collaborators in aspects related to Quality and Environment.
  • Minimize as far as possible the magnitude and environmental impact of the company’s activity, products and services.
  • Promote the use of environmentally friendly products.
  • That the processes of our company are respectful with the environment.
  • Promote continuous improvement in all areas, including our collaborators.
  • Provide the framework for setting and reviewing objectives and goals.
  • Ensure through communication to all personnel at the service of the company that the Policy is disseminated, understood and applied.

The LUENGO COLOR Management assumes the responsibility of having the necessary resources available to carry out the aforementioned activities and expects all company personnel, whatever their function and job position, to share this commitment, complying with the guidelines set throughout the Integrated Management System. The continuous improvement of this System will be carried out through the Management Review of the results obtained.


Terrassa, June 10, 2020

Investment in R&D


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